ASAI and Domain Control
Issue 7 May 1998
■ Invalid number/domain (CS0/28)
The call_id contained in the request is invalid.
■ Mandatory Information Element missing (CS0/96)
A mandatory parameter is missing from the request.
Protocol Error (NAK) Cause
The ECS issues the following cause for a protocol processing error:
■ Protocol error (CS0/111)
The Q.932 protocol has been violated or the capability invoked is not
consistent with this association. For example, invoking a Third Party
Domain Control Request over a Call Control association is inconsistent.
For more information regarding protocol errors and a complete list of
reason codes (cause values), see the
DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server CallVisor ASAI Protocol Reference
The Third Party Answer capability can be used to answer a call present at any
station type (for example, analog, DCP, hybrid, and BRI), as long as the station is
domain-controlled. A call that is already connected when the Third Party Answer
request is made results in a positive acknowledgement (ACK).
Multifunction Station Operation
For a multifunction station user, this capability is successful in the following cases:
■ The user is being alerted on-hook and can either be forced off-hook or is
manually taken off-hook within five seconds of the request (the ECS
selects the ringing call appearance).
■ The user is off-hook idle; the ECS selects the alerting call appearance and
answers the call.
■ The user is off-hook listening to dial tone; the ECS drops the dial tone call
appearance and answers the alerting call on the alerting call appearance.
A held call is answered on the held call appearance, providing the user is not busy
on another call.
A bridged call is answered on the bridged call appearance, providing the user is
not busy on another call, or the exclusion feature is not active for the call.
An Automatic Callback (ACB), PCOL, or TEG call is answered on a free call
appearance, providing the user is not busy on another call.