Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities
3-2 Issue 7 May 1998
Event Reports
Capability Groups and Event Reporting
The Event Reporting capability can be invoked from the following capability
■ Call Control Capability Group
■ Domain (Station or ACD Split) Control Capability Group
■ Notification Capability Group
See Chapters 4, 5, and 6, respectively, for discussions of these capability groups.
An administrable option called “Event Minimization” is available for each ASAI
link. This option may be used when event reports would normally be sent on
multiple associations, but the adjunct does not need to see more than one.
Typically, these event reports are identical except for the association they are sent
over (for example, call control, domain control, active notification). Some
applications discard duplicate events, so in this case, there is no point in sending
them across the ASAI link. When enabled, this option allows only a single such
event to be sent. The selection of the association on which the event will be sent
is based on association precedence as follows: active notification (if enabled), call
control (if enabled), domain control (if enabled). The Station form is used to
change this option. The new option settings take effect the next time the ASAI link
is activated.
Call-Related Event Reporting
The adjunct receives call-related event reports from ECS for the following call
■ Controlled Calls — Calls controlled by the adjunct via the Call Control
Capability Group
■ Domain-Controlled Calls — Calls controlled by the adjunct via the Domain
(in other words, station) Call Control Capability Group
■ Monitored Calls — Calls for which the adjunct has requested event reports
via the Notification Capability Group
When calls are controlled in some way by the first two capability groups
listed above, event reports are provided to the adjunct. Call monitoring
(Event Notification) does not have to be invoked separately via the
Notification Capability Group in order for event reports to be generated.