ASAI and Request Feature Capabilities
Issue 7 May 1998
■ Split not Administered Correctly (CS3/41)
A request has been denied by the ECS to log in, log out, manual-in or
change work mode to auxiliary work or after-call-work for a member of the
auto-available split. Change work mode is accepted for a member of the
auto-0available split only when the mode is to change to auto-in.
■ Feature Request Rejected (CS3/53)
The value is generated whenever the ECS cannot return queried feature
information even though the feature information may be defined for the
specified extension.
■ Service or Option Not Implemented (CS3/79)
This value is returned when the queried feature has not been defined for
the specified extension.
■ Logout Reason Code Value Out of Range (CS0/100)
The reason code in a logout request is out of the accepted range (1-9). The
denial occurs if the System-Parameters feature field, Logout Reason
Codes, is set to “forced” or “requested.”
■ AUX Reason Code Value Out of Range (CS0/100)
The reason code in change work mode to AUX is out of the accepted range
(1-9). This denial occurs if the System-Parameters feature field, AUX Work
Reason Codes, is set to “forced” or “requested.”
■ Incompatible Options (CS3/80)
The reason code Domain EI is present in a Request Feature change agent
work mode message and the work mode Domain IE does not correspond
to “AUX.” This denial occurs if the “AUX Work Reason Codes” field in
System-Parameters feature is set to “forced” or “requested.”
Protocol Error (NAK) Cause
The ECS issues the following cause for generating a protocol processing error(s):
■ Protocol error (CS0/111)
The Q.932 protocol has been violated.
For more information regarding protocol errors and a complete list of
reason codes (cause values), see the
DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server CallVisor ASAI Protocol Reference
For nonadjunct-controlled ACD splits, agent login, logout, or change of work mode
may be done manually via the voice set or the adjunct. Agents active in
adjunct-controlled splits must be logged in or logged out and change work modes
via the controlling adjunct.