IN-4 Issue 7 May 1998
Attendant Console form, 14-7
Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access, feature
interactions, 12-9
attendant group 0, and event reports, 3-4
attendant start buttons, 12-7
attendants, feature interactions, 12-6
attendant-specific buttons, 12-6
audible tones, 4-31
AUDIX feature interactions, 12-9
AUDIX, coverage, 3-27
Authorization Codes, feature interactions, 12-10
Auto-Answer feature, analog sets, 12-2
Auto-Available Split, feature interactions, 12-13
Automatic Agent Reconfiguration
application, 2-12
sample scenario, 2-12
Automatic Alternate Routing, see AAR
Automatic Answering, 12-11
Automatic Call Distribution, see ACD, 12-10
Automatic Callback on Busy/No Answer, feature
interactions, 12-13
Automatic Route Selection, software, 14-2
Automatic Routing Selection, see ARS
AWOH stations, A-78
AWOH, see Administration Without Hardware, 12-1
Basic Rate Interface
interactions, 12-44
transport, 14-2
Basic Rate Interface link, 14-1
billing change requests, maximum allowed, B-2
billing rate, 900 calls, 10-2
billing rates, changing, 10-5
billing rates, setting, 10-2
billing, multiquest flexible, C-6
blind transfer scenarios, A-9
BRI, see Basic Rate Interface
Bridged Call Appearance, feature interactions, 12-14
brouter, DEFINITY LAN Gateway, 13-1, 13-5
business partners, 14-5, 14-9
Aristacom International Inc., 14-9
ASAI options, 14-6
Dialogic Corporation, 14-9
Electronic Information Systems, 14-10
Hewlett-Packard, 14-9
IBM, 14-9
Novell, 14-9
Stratus Computer Company, 14-9
Tandem Computers, 14-9
busy condition for switch-classified calls, 4-15
Busy Verification of Terminals, feature interactions, 12-15
Busy/Unavailable Event Report
called party number, 3-16
cause, 3-16
description, 3-15
generating, 3-15
items, 3-4, 3-16
buttons, 12-6
Call Appearance, 12-6
Call Park, 12-20
Cancel, 12-6
Conference, 12-29
Drop, 12-35
Hold, 12-6
Release, 12-6
Split, 12-7
Transfer, 3-29, 12-29
Call Appearance button, 12-6
call appearance, analog sets, 4-44
call capacities, B-3
call center help line, 2-20
call classification
direct-agent, 4-31
switch-classified calls, 4-12
user-classified calls, 4-22
Call Classification after Answer Supervision, 4-10, 4-12,
4-13, 4-16
call classification for Phantom Calls, 4-27
call classifier, 2-4, 3-13
conditions for detecting answers, 4-14
switch-classified calls, 4-8
Call Classifier Status Query, 9-2
Call Classifier, circuit pack, 14-1
call classifiers
AMD, 4-17
TN2182, 4-17
TN744B, 4-17
Call Conferenced Event Report
calling party number, 3-17
description, 3-17
extension list, 3-18
generating, 3-17
items, 3-5, 3-17
old party_id, 3-18
other call_id, 3-18
party_id, 3-18
Third Party Merge Request, 3-17
call control
acceptance in various states, 4-3
capability group, 1-1
requests and call states, 4-3
Call Control acceptance in various states, 5-5
Call Control Capability Group, Event Reporting, 3-2
Call Control capability groups, 4-1
Call Control capability groups, Single-Step Conference, 4-2
Call Coverage, AUDIX scenario, A-18
Call Coverage, feature interactions, 12-15