ASAI and Call Routing
Issue 7 May 1998
returns a Route End with cause CS0/28 (Invalid number) and continues vector
processing (cancelling any “wait” or “announcement” steps in progress).
Route Select Parameters
orig_addr NA (ignored)
dest_addr [mandatory] This parameter is the valid
destination for the call. If it is an off-PBX number,
it can contain the TAC/ARS/AAR information.
dest_route_select [optional] Contains the TAC/ARS/AAR
information for off-PBX destinations.
split_param [optional] If the direct-agent call option is set to
“yes,” then this parameter must be a valid split
extension; the destination address must be
logged into this split.
direct_agent_call [optional] This parameter represents a special
type of ACD call that is directed to a specific
ACD agent rather than to any available agent. It
may be set to “yes” or “no.”
priority_calling [optional] This parameter represents a special
type of call that carries three-burst distinctive
ringing and does not go to the covering point for
coverage or send all calls. It may be set to “yes”
or “no.”
user_entered_code [optional] Includes the following:
■ Type of user code = customer-database
provided (cdp)
■ Collect/collected indication = collected
■ Timer = all 0’s (default — not used)
■ User data = ASCII digits (0-9, *, #)
collect_digits_flag [optional] This parameter indicates that digits
should be collected (via a TTR in DTMF mode).
party_id [optional] This parameter indicates which party
on the call the tone detector should listen to for
ASAI-Requested Digit Collection. Currently, the
call “originator” is the only option supported. (If
present, this parameter is ignored.)