Lucent Technologies 555-230-220 Life Jacket User Manual

Issue 7 May 1998 xxxi
3 Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities
3-1. Use of Event Reports in Associations 3-54
3-2. Call Merge Summary 3-58
4 ASAI and Call Control
4-1. Call Control Acceptance in
Various Call/Station States 4-3
4-2. Detected SITs 4-13
4-3. Third Party Make Call Options 4-38
4-4. Allowable Originators and Destinations for
Specific Call Options 4-38
5 ASAI and Domain Control
5-1. Call Control Acceptance in Various Party States 5-5
12 ASAI and Feature Interactions
12-1. Interactions Between ASAI and Call Vectoring 12-22
12-2. Coverage Interactions for ACD
Calls without Priority Calling 12-34
12-3. Coverage Interactions for ACD
Calls with Priority Calling 12-34
13 ASAI-Ethernet
13-1. Brouter Table Format 13-11
14 Installation and Test for
CallVisor ASAI
14-1. ASAI Feature Options Administration for
Lucent Technologies Business
Partners over ASAI-BRI 14-5
14-2. ASAI Feature Options Administration for
Lucent Technologies Business
Partners over ASAI-Ethernet 14-6