Issue 7 May 1998 GL-5
Calling Party Number (CPN)
The 10-digit number (North America) of the station that is calling. The CPN is not always identical
to the billing number (BN); for example, a company may have a BN of 555-7000, yet an individual
at that company may have a CPN of, for example, 555-7335. Taken together, CPN/BN information
allows the called party to identify the calling party and to determine call volumes from particular
geographic areas. Formerly called station identification (SID).
See also
Billing Number (BN).
Call Management System (CMS)
An application that collects, stores, analyzes, displays and reports ACD information provided by
the ECS. CMS enables customers to monitor and manage telemarketing centers by generating
reports on the status of agents, splits, trunks, trunk groups, vectors, and vector directory numbers,
and enables customers to partially administer the ACD features on the ECS.
Call Prompting
A feature that uses vector commands to collect and test digits, and/or display digits to the agent or
pass them to an adjunct. Based on the digits dialed, the call is routed to a desired destination or
receives other treatment. External callers must have touch-tone dialing for entering digits. Call
Prompting can be used with other call vectoring capabilities.
Call Reference Value (CRV)
An identifier present in ISDN messages that associates a related sequence of messages. In ASAI,
the CRVs distinguish between associations.
Call Vectoring
A method that manages inbound calls, using routing tables to uniquely define treatments for each
call type. The call type is based on the dialed number or trunk group termination to a vector via
vectoring directory numbers. The vectors are customer-programmable using commands that
resemble a high-level programming language to specify what treatments the call should be given.
Also called “vectoring.”
See also
Vectors and Vector step.
Either a request for or an indication of an operation. For example, a
Third Party Make Call
is a
request for setting up a call and an
Event Report
is an indication that an event has occurred.
Capability Groups
Sets of capabilities that denote association types. For example,
Call Control
is a type of
association that allows certain functions (the ones in the capability group) to be performed over this
type of association. Each capability group may contain capabilities from several capability groups.
Groups are provisioned through ECS administration, and can be requested by an application.
Referred to in other documentation as administration groups or Application Service Elements
Cause Value
A value returned in responses to requests or in event reports when a denial occurs or an
unexpected condition is encountered. ASAI cause values fall into two “coding standards”
Standard 0 includes cause values that are part of Lucent Technologies and CCITT ISDN
specifications, and Coding standard 3 includes any other ASAI cause values. ASAI documents use
a notation for cause value where the coding standard for the cause is given first, followed by a
slash and the cause value. For example, CS0/100 is coding standard zero, cause value one
Call Detail Recording
Customer database-provided digits.