IN-14 Issue 7 May 1998
Phone Management and Directory Services
application, 2-13
Phone Management and Directory Services, sample
scenario, 2-14
administrative access of DEFINITY LAN Gateway, 13-7
DEFINITY LAN Gateway, 13-10
TN2182, 9-2, 9-8
TN2182B, 9-2, 9-8
TN744, 9-2, 9-8
TN744D, 9-2, 9-8
ports, administrative access of DEFINITY LAN
Gateway, 13-4
PPM, 3-34
PPN, see Processor Port Network
predictive dialing, 2-3, 2-4, 14-1
preview dialing, 2-3, 2-4
PRI, see Primary Rate Interface
Primary Rate Interface, feature interactions, 12-44
priority call (supervisor-assist call), 4-32
priority calling, 12-33
Priority Calling, feature interactions, 12-50
Priority Queuing, feature interactions, 12-31
priority_calling parameter, 4-9, 4-20, 4-25, 4-29, 4-34, 5-27,
Privacy-Manual Exclusion, feature interactions, 12-50
Private Network QSIG ISDN Protocol, 3-34
processor congestion
caused by multiple Login Event Reports, 3-47
multiple Login Event Reports, 3-48
Processor Port Network, 12-36
progress indicator, 3-41
protocol error, 5-9
protocol errors
Set Value, 10-3
Value Query, 9-14
publications catalog, xli
publications center, xli
query, enhancement to extension information, xxxv
query, Universal Call ID, 9-4
querying ECS resources, 9-2
queue status displays/indications, 12-13
queued calls, oldest, 12-32
Queued Event Report
call_id, 3-49
called party number, 3-49
calls in queue, 3-49
description, 3-49
items, 3-8, 3-49
R2 MFC Calling Party information, C-4
R2-MFC, 7-2
R2-MFC facilities, 3-10, 3-22, 3-37
rate requests, Flexible Billing, 10-5
rates, billing, 10-2
reason code, logout, 12-40
reason codes, C-4
administering, 14-8
denials, 8-7
Reconnected Event Report
call_id, 3-50
connected party number, 3-50
description, 3-50
generating, 3-50
items, 3-8, 3-50
party_id, 3-50
Redirect Call
capability, 4-48, 5-17
considerations, 5-18
denials, 5-17
information flow, 4-48
parameters, 5-17
protocol error, 5-18
redirect call, C-6
redirected-to-number parameter, 4-48, 5-17
redirecting party_id parameter, 4-48
Redirection feature, analog sets, 12-2
Redirection on No Answer feature, analog sets, 12-2
Redirection on No Answer interactions, A-51
related documents, xl
Release button, 12-6
release features matrix, C-1
release five features, C-3
Remote Access form, 14-7
remote access, DEFINITY LAN Gateway, 13-4, 13-7
reorder condition for switch-classified calls, 4-15
Reorder/Denial Event Report
call_id, 3-51
called party number, 3-51
cause, 3-51
direct-agent call, 3-51
generation, 3-51
items, 3-8
Reorder/Denial Event Report, description, 3-51
Reorder/Denial Report items, 3-51
report, agent login, C-6
report, alerting event, C-7
Request Feature
acknowledgements, 8-3
capability, 8-1
capability group, 1-2
considerations, 8-5
denials, 8-3
parameters, 8-2