ASAI and Value Query Capabilities
9-12 Issue 7 May 1998
UCID (Universal Call ID) Query ACK Parameters
The DEFINITY ECS responds with the Universal Call ID (UCID) stored for the
call_id. If there is no UCID associated with the call, a positive acknowledgement
will be returned without a UCID IE.
Denial (NAK) Causes
The ECS issues one of the following reasons as the cause for ending the
■ Invalid association (CS0/81)
The association is already in existence.
■ Invalid number (CS0/28)
An invalid parameter (split extension, trunk access code, agent extension,
etc.) has been designated in the query.
■ Requested facility not subscribed/provisioned (CS0/50)
The user has not subscribed for the requested capability.
■ Call with requested identity has been terminated (CS3/86)
The call for which the request was made is no longer active.
■ Agent not member of split (CS3/11)
The agent is not a member of the specified split.
■ Agent not logged in (CS3/15)
The agent is not logged in to the specified split.
■ Switching Equipment Congestion (CS0/42)
The ECS is not accepting the request at this time because of traffic
overload. The adjunct or user may wish to retry the request but should not
do so immediately.
■ Feature Request Rejected (CS3/53) — Station Feature Query
This value is generated whenever the ECS cannot return queried feature
information even though the feature information may be defined for the
specified extension.
■ Facility Reject (CS0/29)
The applications processor attempted an ASAI query with the billing
change request feature specified in the Item IE. This is not allowed.
■ Mandatory Information Element Missing (CS0/96)
For an Integrated Directory Database query, the domain_element is
■ Invalid Information Element Contents (CS0/100)
For an Integrated Directory Database query, the domain element is not
one of the supported types. Also sent on an n Integrated Database query if
the ECS release is earlier than G3V4.
■ Query not supported (CS3/63) — The query is properly formatted, but the
software release is an older version on which the query is not supported.