ASAI and Feature Interactions
Issue 7 May 1998
— if the previous state was in the manual-in mode, then the agent
returns to the after-call mode for that split and is also considered
unavailable for all other splits.
Agent Work Modes with EAS
■ An agent can answer a direct-agent call destined for him/her by becoming
available by selecting the manual-in or auto-in work mode.
■ While on a direct-agent call, the agent becomes unavailable for all
subsequent direct-agent or regular ACD calls. Multiple call handling can
override this.
■ After disconnecting from a direct-agent call in auto-in mode, the agent
becomes available for all skills logged into.
■ After disconnecting from a direct-agent call in manual-in mode, the agent
enters after-call-work mode and is not considered available for direct-agent
or skill ACD calls on any of the skills the agent is logged into.
Priority Queuing
For detailed information about priority queueing, see the
DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide
The Priority Queuing option has no effect on the queuing of direct-agent calls.
Direct-agent calls have priority over all nondirect-agent calls and are inserted
ahead of all nondirect-agent calls in the split queue but behind previously queued
direct-agent calls. Therefore, an available agent can service a nondirect-agent call
only if there are no direct-agent calls waiting for that agent in all the splits that the
agent is logged into and available to receive ACD calls in. When there is more
than one split with direct-agent calls waiting for the same agent, then the
direct-agent calls with the longest queue waiting time from the splits in which the
agent is available to receive ACD calls are serviced first.
Note that each queued direct-agent call occupies a queue slot administered on
the Hunt Group form for the specified split.
In an EAS preference handling distribution (PHD) environment, if an agent has not
been assigned the highest skill level for direct agent skill queuing, then the direct
agent call will not have the highest priority unless the agent’s call handling
preference is assigned as “greatest need.”
Indications of Direct-Agent Calls in Queue
When a direct-agent call joins the split queue because the destination agent is
active on a call, in the after-call-work or auxiliary-work modes, then the destination
agent is notified as follows: