ASAI and Feature Interactions
12-40 Issue 7 May 1998
■ The domain item in the Alerting and Queued Event Report for logical
direct-agent calls contains the agent’s first Primary skill logged into. This is
the skill hunt group that logical direct-agent calls queue to. Note that the
skill hunt group is provided, even though an adjunct-initiated, logical
direct-agent call request did not contain a skill hunt group.
■ For incoming calls (over ISDN trunks) originating from another DEFINITY
ECS, if the option “Login ID for ISDN display” is enabled, the Calling Party
Number in all appropriate events will be the Logical Agent Number.
Otherwise, the Calling Party Number is the physical station number.
Logins and Logouts for Logical Agents
The following rules apply to logical agents’ logins and logouts via the Request
Feature capability:
■ The password (user code IE) contains the logical agent’s login ID and
password as follows: login ID terminated by the pound sign (#) and
followed by the password, if necessary. If the agent’s password is not
included, the pound sign may be omitted.
■ The split parameter is ignored by the ECS, since the agent has a
predefined (administered) set of skills. However, the split parameter must
be present in the request, since it is a mandatory parameter.
When EAS is disabled, the split parameter (domain IE) contains the ACD
split to log in or log out the agent.
■ In a login request, the agent_id or agent_extension (domain IE) parameter
must contain the agent’s physical station; it may not contain a login ID. If a
login request is received with a login ID as the agent_id the request is
denied with cause value CS0/28 — Invalid Number Format. In addition, if
the station extension in the agent_id already has a logged-in logical agent,
the login request is denied with CS3/16 — Agent in Same State.
■ In a logout request, the agent_id or agent_extension (domain IE) may
contain either the agent’s physical station or the agent’s login ID.
■ In a logout request, if the System-Parameters feature field, Logout Reason
Code, is “forced” or “requested,” and the agent logs out with a valid reason
code (1-9), then a domain IE containing a reason for the logout is provided.
The agent is placed in the same work mode in all his/her administered
skills, except for the after_call work mode. When an agent is placed in the
after_call work mode in a particular skill, this agent remains in the current
work mode in all other associated skills. If the work mode parameter
specifies after_call work mode in the Change Work Mode request, the
agent is placed in that mode on the skill over which the agent received the
last ACD call. If the skill over which the agent received the last ACD call
cannot be determined, the agent is placed in the after_call work mode on
the first skill administered for the agent.
With Login/Logout events: