National Instruments 371889A-01 SONAR User Manual

9-8 Electronics Workbench
9.4 Schematic Statistics Report
The Schematic Statistics Report lists the quantity of the following in your circuit:
Components total number of components. (Real components + virtual components).
Real components components that can be purchased.
Virtual components components that cannot be purchased.
Gates total number of gates used in the design.
Nets total number of connections between pins.
Pins in nets.
Unconnected pins.
Total pins pins in nets + unconnected pins.
Hierarchical blocks total number of hierarchical blocks, unique or otherwise. Instances
of hierarchical blocks equals the number of copies of the same hierarchical block.
Unique hierarchical blocks total number of unique hierarchical blocks.
Subcircuits total number of subcircuits, unique or otherwise.
Unique subcircuits.
Tool buttons