190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
Displaying traffic information (PFD Inset Map):
1) Press the INSET Softkey.
2) Press the TRAFFIC Softkey to display traffic data on the inset map (TRFC-1).
3) Press the softkey again to display the traffic-only inset (TRFC-2).
4) Press the softkey again to remove traffic data.
TheNavigationMapPageSetupMenuprovidesameans inadditionto thesoftkeyforenabling/disabling
display oftrafc. The setup menualso controls themap range settingsabove whichtrafc data(symbols
Customizing traffic display on the Navigation Map Page:
1) Select the Navigation Map Page.
2) Press the MENU Key.
3) With ‘Map Setup’ highlighted, press the
Key (Figure 6-108).
4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the ‘Traffic’ Group and press the ENT Key (Figure 6-109).
5) Turn the large
Knob or press the
Key to scroll through product selections (Figure 6-110).
• TRAFFIC – Turns the display of traffic data on or off
• TRAFFIC MODE – Selects the traffic mode for display; select from:
- All Traffic - Displays all traffic
- TA ONLY - Displays Traffic Advisories only
• TRAFFIC SMBL – Selects the maximum range at which traffic symbols are shown
• TRAFFIC LBL – Selects the maximum range at which traffic labels are shown (with the option to turn off)
6) Turn the small
Knob to scroll through options for each product (ON/OFF, range settings, etc.).
7) Press the
Key to select an option.
8) Press the FMS Knob or CLR Key to return to the Navigation Map Page with the changed settings.