Furuno fea2100 Marine GPS System User Manual

Raster Chart material · 159
How to load chart permits for ARCS Skipper license
Permits are usually delivered in floppy disk. To load chart permit into the system, proceed as follows:
1. From the Control Panel press Chart Plan push button.
2. Select Permit Management from the menu.
3. Select Skipper licence as a type of license. Insert a permit floppy disk to floppy disk drive. Press Load file
4. Select Gb.scp and press Open.
5. Check in Permit Management that permits are displayed here with correct information. That is all what need
to do when loading permits. Close window, press CANCEL in ECDIS Control Panel.
Note, if you are holding more than one ARCS Skipper Packs onboard, only one Pack can be loaded into ECDIS at
the same time. If you load a new ARCS Skipper permit floppy disk into ECDIS you must load charts and weekly
updates from CDs delivered with and listed in your License Agreement also known as "Schedule A".