Two types of precision-component kits are available: calibration and
Calibration Kits Calibration kits contain components used to identify and separate er
ror sources inherent in microwave test setups. The Model 365X Cali
bration Kits contain all of the precision components and tools required
to calibrate the VNA for 12-term error-corrected measurements of test
devices with the connector type specified. When applicable, compo
nents are included for calibrating both male and female test ports. The
kits also support calibrations with broadband loads.
Each of the available calibration kits are described in detail in the Vec
tor Network Analyzer Mechanical Calibration Kits Reference Manual,
PN: 10410-00278. A typical Model 365X Calibration Kit is shown in
Figure 1-2. The following is a list of available 365X Calibration Kits:
q Model 3650A SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit
q Model 3651A GPC–7 Calibration Kit
q Model 3652A K Connector Calibration Kit
q Model 3653A Type N Calibration Kit
q Model 3654D V Connector® Calibration Kit
Verification Kits The Model 366X Verification kits consist of precision components of
the connector type specified with characteristics traceable to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This type of
kit is usually kept in the metrology laboratory where it provides the
most dependable means of checking system accuracy. Each of these
kits contains a disk or USB drive providing factory-measured coeffi
cient or test data for each component, allowing for comparison with
customer-measured data.
A typical Model 365X Verification Kit is shown in Figure 1-3. The fol
lowing is a list of available 366X Verification Kits:
Model 3666 3.5 mm Verification Kit
Model 3667 GPC–7 Verification Kit
Model 3668 K Connector® Verification Kit
Model 3669/3669B V Connector® Verification Kits
37xxxE OM 1-5
Figure 1-2. Typical Model 365X
Calibration Kit
Figure 1-3. Typical Model 366X
Verification Kit