1. Click the Trunks tab.
2. Identify the trunks allocated by the service:
n Use trunks in this order. Choose the algorithm used to allocate
trunks from the dialing service:
n Bottom to Top. Trunks are allocated starting at the bottom of the
list each time. If a trunk is busy, the next trunk up is allocated.
n Top to Bottom. Trunks are allocated starting at the top of the list
each time. If a trunk is busy, the next trunk down is allocated.
n Round Robin. Trunks are allocated in the same sequence as
Bottom to Top, but starting with a different trunk for each call.
3. Identify the trunks that will be allocated by this service.
Note: The label of the next field, and the trunks available for allocation
will vary depending on the type of service you are creating.
n Use all phone number trunks. If selected, this dialing service will
allocate all analog and digital trunks in the Strata CS system, using
the algorithm selected above.
n Use only selected trunks. If selected, only the trunks in the list on
the right will be allocated, using the algorithm selected above.
Add to add a trunk to the Selected trunks list. Click Remove
to remove it.
n Available trunks. Lists all the trunks in the Strata CS system that
can be used by this type of dialing service: