2. Click Import. The Import Dialing Exceptions dialog box opens.
3. Enter the filename. Click
Browse to search for the file.
4. Click
Finish to import the file.
Permissions tab
The Permissions tab is used only for Phone Number dialing services (see “Adding
a Phone Number dialing service” on page 8-10). Dialing service permissions
allow or restrict users from dialing certain numbers when using specified dialing
services. You can set permissions for dialing services or for users. Dialing service
permissions can be inclusive (“allow all numbers except for...”) or exclusive
(“disallow all numbers except for...”). A user’s permissions can override those set
for the dialing service. For more on setting user permissions, see “The Dialing
tab” on page 6-33.
Dialing service permission settings apply to numbers dialed using a Phone
Number dialing service. Numbers dialed using a Centrex/PBX Extension service
are only restricted by your Centrex/PBX provider. Numbers dialed using an Internet
Address service are only restricted by your network.
A user who attempts to dial a restricted number using the service hears the
message, “Sorry, you do not have permission to dial that number.” A user cannot
include a restricted number in a routing list or forward calls to a restricted number.