Robbed Bit T1 Experimenter The Strata CS utility that lets the administrator
define Robbed Bit T1 call events, test them, and save the correct definitions for Strata CS
to use. Using the Robbed Bit T1 Experimenter after installing the Dialogic hardware and
software—but before installing the Strata CS Server—can ensure that the T1 trunks are
functioning correctly before continuing with the installation.
Robbed-Bit Signaling Signaling mechanism used with T1 lines that replaces the
least significant bits in specific locations in the T1 transmission with signaling information,
for example, whether the caller’s line is on-hook or off-hook. The specific locations that
contain signaling information are called A and B bits. T1 suppliers use different patterns of
A-bit and B-bit values to signal various events.
See also: A and B bits (p. G-1), Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) (p. G-7), T-1 (p.
Role Permission set that can be applied broadly to many users at once. By default Strata
CS includes two roles: Administrators and Users. You can create new roles to represent
different permission sets, or modify the Users role.
See Also: Permissions (p. G-19)
Round Robin Call Distribution A method of evenly distributing calls to a
queue or an ACD workgroup. Round robin call distribution sends each consecutive call to
the next agent on the list. If that agent is busy, the call goes to the next agent, and so on.
See also: ACD agent (p. G-1), ACD workgroup (p. G-1), simultaneous call distribution
(p. G-23), top-down call distribution (p. G-25)
Routing List A list of extensions or external numbers that Strata CS will try in order
to connect incoming calls to the user. Each user has a default routing list and can also have
call rules that specify unique routing lists for individual contacts. Routing lists typically try
a user’s “Where I Am” location first, then a list of optional locations, and if unsuccessful,
the final action.
See also: active routing list (p. G-1), final action (p. G-12), call rule (p. G-19), Where I
Am (p. G-27)
Routing service Type of dialing service that routes outbound calls to other dialing
services depending on the number dialed.
See Also: dialing service (p. G-9)
Screen Pop A small window that automatically opens on the computer screen when
a call arrives and shows information about the caller.
Server A computer that processes client requests and returns information to a client
computer over a network. The client computer runs an application that requests the
information from the Server, and then displays the results in usable format.
See also: client (p. G-7), client/Server (p. G-7)
Server License A license purchased from Toshiba for each Strata CS Server.