Using DID with Robbed Bit T1 lines
1. Make sure that your Robbed Bit T1 lines have been installed correctly.
2. Configure digit collection signaling for the trunks (see “Configuring
signaling using the Robbed Bit T1 Experimenter” on page 5-13 for step
by step instructions and examples).
3. Verify that each trunk in the digital span is configured to accept inbound
calls, and that calls are sent to a user or auto attendant (see “Entering
trunk defaults for a span” on page 5-16).
4. Assign DID numbers to users or auto attendants (see “The General tab”
on page 6-9).
Using DID with analog lines
1. Make sure your analog DID lines and digital interface units have been
correctly installed and configured. See Strata CS Installation &
Maintenance Manual.
2. Configure analog digit collection signaling for the trunks (see “Setting
up digit collection on an analog trunk” on page 5-11).
3. Enable DID for each inbound analog DID trunk (see “Adding an analog
trunk” on page 5-10).
4. Assign DID numbers to users or auto attendants (see “Assigning a DID
number” on page 6-13).
Setting up fax routing __________________________________
You set up fax routing on a per-trunk basis for the following trunk types:
n Analog
n Robbed Bit T1
Fax calls can be routed to an auto attendant, user, or IVR Plug-in. Usually you
route faxes to a user whose station is connected to a fax Server or fax machine.
Whenever Strata CS detects a fax signal on the trunk, the call is automatically
routed to this station.
If a DID match occurs on an inbound call, the fax is not routed to the auto
attendant, user, or IVR Plug-in as described in the trunk. The fax instead is routed
directly to the DID target.
For instructions on how to configure specific trunk types to support fax routing,
see the sections on adding these trunk types later in this chapter.