132 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 7: MAP
• MRP (MAP report)—a file that contains information about the MAP run. The MRP
file lists any errors and warnings found in the design, lists design attributes specified,
and details on how the design was mapped (for example, the logic that was removed
or added and how signals and symbols in the logical design were mapped into signals
and components in the physical design). The file also supplies statistics about
component usage in the mapped design. See “MAP Report (MRP) File” for more
The MRP, PCF, and NGM files produced by a MAP run all have the same name as the
output NCD file, with the appropriate extension. If the MRP, PCF, or NGM files already
exist, they are overwritten by the new files.
MAP Options
The following table summarizes the MAP command line options and the supported
architectures for each option.
Table 7-1: Map Options and Architectures
Options Architectures
–bp All FPGA architectures
–c All FPGA architectures
–cm All FPGA architectures
–detail All FPGA architectures
–equivalent_register_removal Virtex-4 architectures
–f All FPGA architectures
–gf All FPGA architectures
–global_opt Virtex-4 architectures
–gm All FPGA architectures
–ignore_keep_hierarchy All FPGA architectures
–intstyle All FPGA architectures
–ir All FPGA architectures
–ise All FPGA architectures
–k All FPGA architectures
–l All FPGA architectures
–o All FPGA architectures
–ol All FPGA architectures
–p All FPGA architectures
–pr All FPGA architectures
–r All FPGA architectures
–register_duplication All FPGA architectures