Xilinx 8.2i Life Jacket User Manual

Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 291
PROMGen Examples
PROMGen Examples
To load the file test.bit up from address 0x0000 in MCS format, enter the following
information at the command line:
promgen –u 0 test
To daisy-chain the files test1.bit and test2.bit up from address 0x0000 and the files test3.bit
and test4.bit from address 0x4000 while using a 32K PROM and the Motorola EXORmax
format, enter the following information at the command line:
promgen –s 32 –p exo –u 00 test1 test2 –u 4000 test3 test4
To load the file test.bit into the PROM programmer in a downward direction starting at
address 0x400, using a Xilinx XC1718D PROM, enter the following information at the
command line:
promgen –x xc1718d –u 0 test
To specify a PROM file name that is different from the default file name enter the following
information at the command line:
promgen options filename –o newfilename