256 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 13: Speedprint
Delays are reported in picoseconds, where a range of delays is given
they represent the fastest and slowest paths reported under that name.
When a block is placed in a site normally used for another type of
block, a IOB placed in a Clock IOB site for example, small variations
in delay may occur which are not included in this report
External Setup and Hold requirements for global clocks
Tphf -400 Tphfd 0 Tpsf 1500
Tpsfd 1800
Delays for a BLOCKRAM
Tback 831 Tbcka 0 Tbckd 0
Tbcke -1097 Tbcko 2453 Tbckr -961
Tbckw -866 Tbdck 831 Tbeck 1928
Tbpwh 1164 Tbpwl 1164 Tbrck 1792
Tbwck 1697 Tgsrq 7531 Trpw 10100
Delays for a IOB
Tch 1116 Tcl 1116 Tgsrq 7531
Tgts 4050 Tiockice 1 Tiockiq 330 - 337
Tiockisr -482 Tiocko -573 Tiockoce 1
Tiockon2736 - 2743Tiockosr-525 Tiockp 2335 - 2342
Tiockt -238 Tiocktce -50 Tiocktsr -481
Tioiceck 546 Tioickp -985 Tioickpd -2501
Tiooceck 546 Tioock 845 Tioolp 2872
Tioop 2473 Tiopi 744 Tiopick 1258
Tiopickd 2772 Tiopid 944 Tiopli 1385
I/O numbers in this report should be adjusted according to the I/O
standard being used. The adjustments are as follows:
Input Output
Standard Name Slew Drive Adjustment Adjustment
============= ==== ===== ========== ==========
LVTTL 2 FAST 0 13001
LVTTL 4 FAST 0 5201
LVTTL 6 FAST 0 3001
LVTTL 8 FAST 0 902
LVTTL 16 FAST 0 -50
LVTTL 24 FAST 0 -200
LVTTL 2 SLOW 0 14601
LVTTL 4 SLOW 0 7401
LVTTL 6 SLOW 0 4701
LVTTL 8 SLOW 0 2902