346 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 23: XFLOW
The following table lists the output files that can be generated for FPGAs.
Table 23-2: XFLOW Output Files (FPGAs)
File Name Description To Generate this File...
design_name.bgn This report file contains information about the
BitGen run, in which a bitstream is generated for
Xilinx device configuration.
Flow file must include “bitgen” (Use the
–config flow type)
design_name.bit This bitstream file contains configuration data
that can be downloaded to an FPGA using
PromGen, or iMPACT.
Flow file must include “bitgen”
(Use the –config flow type)
design_name.dly This report file lists delay
information for each net in a design.
Flow file must include “par”
(Use the –implement flow type)
design_name.ll This optional ASCII file describes the position of
latches, flip-flops, and IOB inputs and outputs in
the BIT file.
Flow file must include “bitgen”
(Use the –config flow type)
Option file must include BitGen –l
design_name.mrp This report file contains information about the
MAP run, in which a logical design is mapped to
a Xilinx FPGA.
Flow file must include “map”
(Use the –implement flow type)
(by PAR phase)
(by MAP phase)
This Native Circuit Description file can be used
as a guide file. It is a physical description of the
design in terms of the components in the target
Xilinx device. This file can be a mapped NCD file
or a placed and routed NCD file.
Flow file must include “map” or “par”
(Use the –implement flow type)
design_name.par This report file contains summary information of
all placement and routing iterations.
Flow file must include “par”
(Use the –implement flow type)
design_name.pad This report file lists all I/O components used in
the design and their associated primary pins.
Flow file must include “par”
(Use the –implement flow type)
design_name.rbt This optional ASCII “rawbits” file contains ones
and zeros representing the data in the bitstream
Flow file must include “bitgen”
(Use the –config flow type)
Option file must include BitGen –b
design_name.twr This report file contains timing data calculated
from the NCD file.
Flow file must include “trce”
(Use the –implement flow type)
design_name.xpi This report file contains
information on whether the design routed and
timing specifications were met.
Flow file must include “par”
(Use the –implement flow type)