Xilinx 8.2i Life Jacket User Manual

416 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Readback is the process of reading the logic downloaded to an FPGA
device back to the source. There are two types of readback.
A readback of logic usually accompanied by a comparison check to
verify that the design was downloaded in its entirety.
A readback of the states stored in the device memory elements to
ensure that the device is behaving as expected.
A register is a set of flip-flops used to store data. It is an accumulator
used for all arithmetic operations.
The property — based on material, dimensions, and temperature of
conductors — that determines the amount of current produced at a
given difference in potential. A material’s current impedance that
dissipates power in the form of heat.
The drive of the output pins on a network.
A resistor is a device that provides resistance.
Read Only Memory (ROM) is a static memory structure that retains a
state indefinitely, even when the power is turned off. It can be part of
a function generator.
Routing is the process of assigning logical nets to physical wire
segments in the FPGA that interconnect logic cells.
A Relationally Placed Macro (RPM) defines the spatial relationship of
the primitives that constitute its logic. An indivisible block of logic
elements that are placed as a unit into a design.
Register Transfer Level
A schematic is a hierarchical drawing representing a design in terms
of user and library components.