376 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Appendix :
NGO Data Netlist Readers File containing a logical description
of the design in terms of its original
components and hierarchy
NKY Data BitGen Encryption key file
NLF ASCII NetGen NetGen log file that contains
information on the NetGen run
NMC Binary FPGA Editor Xilinx physical macro library file
containing a physical macro
definition that can be instantiated
into a design
OPT ASCII XFLOW Options file used by XFLOW
PAD ASCII PAR File containing a listing of all
I/O components used in the design
and their associated primary pins
PAR ASCII PAR PAR report file containing
execution information about the
PAR command run. The file shows
the steps taken as the program
converges on a placement and
routing solution
PCF ASCII MAP, FPGA Editor File containing physical constraints
specified during design entry (that
is, schematics) and constraints
added by the user
PIN ASCII NetGen Cadence signal-to-pin mapping file
PRM ASCII PROMGen File containing a memory map of a
PROM file showing the starting
and ending PROM address for each
BIT file loaded
RBT ASCII BitGen “Rawbits" file consisting of ASCII
ones and zeros representing the
data in the bitstream file
RPT ASCII PIN2UCF Report file generated by PIN2UCF
when conflicting constraints are
discovered. The name is
RCV ASCII FPGA Editor FPGA Editor recovery file
FPGA Editor or XFLOW command
script file
SDF ASCII NetGen File containing the timing data for a
design. Standard Delay Format File
SVF ASCII NetGen Assertion file written for Formality
equivalency checking tool
Name Type Produced By Description