358 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 23: XFLOW
• ReportDir
This section specifies the directory in which to copy the report files generated by the
programs in the flow. The default directory is your working directory.
You can also specify the report directory using the –rd command line option. The
command line option overrides the ReportDir specified in the flow file.
• Global user-defined variables
This section allows you to specify a value for a global variable, as shown in the
following example:
$simulation_output = time_sim;
End variables
The flow file contains a program block for each program in the flow. Each program block
includes the following information:
• Program program_name
This line identifies the name of the program block. It also identifies the command line
executable if you use an executable name as the program_name, for example, ngdbuild.
This is the first line of the program block.
♦ ENABLED: This option instructs XFLOW to run the program if there are options
in the options file.
♦ DISABLED: This option instructs XFLOW to not run the program even if there are
corresponding options in the options file.
• Input: filename
This line lists the name of the input file for the program. For example, the NGDBuild
program block might list design.edn.
• Tr ig ger s:
This line lists any additional files that should be read by the program. For example, the
NGDBuild program block might list design.ucf.
• Exports:
This line lists the name of the file to export. For example, the NGDBuild program block
might list design.ngd.
• Reports:
This line lists the report files generated. For example, the NGDBuild program block
might list design.bld.
• Executable: executable_name
This line is optional. It allows you to create multiple program blocks for the same
program. When creating multiple program blocks for the same program, you must
enter a name other than the program name in the Program line (for example, enter
post_map_trace, not trce). In the Executable line, you enter the name of the program as
you would enter it on the command line (for example, trce).