Xilinx 8.2i Life Jacket User Manual

Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 359
XFLOW Flow Types
For example, if you want to run TRACE after MAP and again after PAR, the program
blocks for post-MAP TRACE and
post-PAR TRACE appear as follows:
Program post_map_trce
Executable: trce;
Input: <design>_map.ncd;
Exports: <design>.twr, <design>.tsi;
End Program post_map_trce
Program post_par_trce
Executable: trce;
Input: <design>.ncd;
Reports: <design>.twr, <design>.tsi;
End Program post_par_trce
Note: If your option file includes a corresponding program block, its Program line must match the
Program line in the flow file (for example, post_map_trace).
End Program program_name
This line identifies the end of a program block. The program_name should be consistent
with the program_name specified on the line that started the program block.
User Command Blocks
To run your own programs in the flow, you can add a “user command block” to the Flow
File. The syntax for a user command block is the following:
Cmdline: <user_cmdline>;
End UserCommand
Following is an example:
Cmdline: “myscript.csh”;
End UserCommand
Note: You cannot use the asterisk (*) dollar sign ($) and parentheses ( ) characters as part of your
command line command.