236 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 12: TRACE
Clock clk to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
d0 | 9.563(R)|
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 1 Score: 587
Constraints cover 19 paths, 0 nets, and 21 connections (100.0% coverage)
Design statistics:
Maximum path delay from/to any node: 8.587ns
Maximum input arrival time after clock: 9.224ns
Analysis completed Mon Jun 03 17:47:21 2005
Verbose Report
The verbose report is similar to the error report and provides details on delays for all
constrained paths and nets in the design. Entries are ordered by constraint in the PCF,
which may differ from the UCF or NCF and, within constraints, by slack, with a negative
slack showing an error condition. The maximum number of items listed for each constraint
is set by the limit you enter on the command line.
The data sheet report and STAMP model display skew values on non-dedicated clock
resources that do not display in the default period analysis of the normal verbose report. The data
sheet report and STAMP model must include skew because skew affects the external timing model.
To display skew values in the verbose report, use the –skew option.
The verbose report also contains a list of all time groups defined in the PCF, and all of the
members defined within each group.
The body of the verbose report enumerates each constraint as it appears in the input
physical constraints file, the number of items scored by TRACE for that constraint, and the
number of errors detected for the constraint. Each item is described, ordered by
descending slack. A Report line for each item provides important information, such as the
amount of delay on a net, fanout on each net, location if the logic has been placed, and by
how much the constraint is met.
For path constraints, if there is an error, the report shows the amount by which the
constraint is exceeded. For errors in which the path delays are broken down into
individual net and component delays, the report lists each physical resource and the
logical resource from which the physical resource was generated.
If there are no errors, the report shows that the constraint passed and by how much. Each
logic and route delay is analyzed, totaled, and reported.